Behavioral persistence, or when bad behavior continues despite intervention
We have all seen it happen. A child engages in intense tantrums. Parents and teachers are at a loss as to what to do next and they come to us, …
We have all seen it happen. A child engages in intense tantrums. Parents and teachers are at a loss as to what to do next and they come to us, …
As expected, this year’s FABA conference had many interesting speakers and provided a wonderful opportunity to catch up with colleagues and learn about the interesting work conducted by researchers and …
Buy school supplies. Check. Attend school orientation or registration event. Check. Meet the new teacher. Check. Pack backpack. Check. Ready for the first day of school, right? Well, not so …
Trabajando en una clínica de intervención conductual temprana e intensiva se puede ver el impacto que tiene el autismo en la vida del niño con el diagnóstico así como en …
Working at an early intensive behavioral intervention clinic, you see firsthand the impact autism has on the life of the diagnosed child and their whole family. Simple things like going …
El Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) recientemente publicó un estimado actualizado de la prevalencia del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) en los Estados Unidos (el …
Looking Outside Our Field highlights areas of science outside of behavior analysis that are of relevance for advancing behavior analytic research and improving clinical practice. In a previous post, I discussed neuroscience …
The CDC recently released an updated prevalence estimate of ASD among the children in the United States (full report can be found here). Despite this increase in the number of individuals diagnosed, …
The 44th annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) will be held in San Diego, CA on May 24-28. This is an event we all looking forward …
Every time I attend a conference, I come back reenergized and with more focus, eager to start a new experiment or try something new with a client. This time was …