Democracy is a Reinforcer. People Forego One Reinforcer for Others All The Time.
Gorking out on tyranny
Did relational framing arise with homo sapiens?
7 bell hooks (1952-2021) born Gloria Jean Watkins, was a scholar, educator, feminist, activist and so much more. hook was a Distinguished Professor at Berea College, KY, which houses the …
What would an expert in behavior change say about our CE system?
1 Guest Blog Authored By: Tiffany Kodak, Brittany Brown, and Brianna Duszynski Marquette University Dr. Tiffany Kodak is a Professor in the Behavior Analysis program at Marquette University. She is …
When future behavior analysts look back on the present moment, what developments in our science will they recognize as influential?
On the joy of positive reinforcement.
1 Despite the suspicions of vulgar-minded behavior analysts, Skinner’s term “autoclitic” has distinguished antecedents. The “enclitic,” is a long-established grammatical term for a morphological unit that does not stand alone …
One central aspect of becoming an informed consumer of science or scientist-practitioner is developing analytical skills. These analytical skills are problem-solving skills related to understanding data; practitioners must be able …
The world climate crisis demands all hands on deck, and that includes us. Calling all behavior analysts… We’ve had the science and technology needed to address the climate crisis for …
20,000 cumulative behavior functions in ONE GRAPH. Really.
Behavior analysis articles that non behavior analysts gave a damn about during the last 12 months.
2 AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! This month we will take a short break from our regularly scheduled programming of hearing about the fantastic research stories of individuals in …