Thank You for Playing PORTL!
Portable Operant Research and Teaching Lab (PORTL) manual and an educational kits. Photo by Mirari Elcoro.
Portable Operant Research and Teaching Lab (PORTL) manual and an educational kits. Photo by Mirari Elcoro.
2 AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! This month we will take a short break from our regularly scheduled programming of hearing about the fantastic research stories of individuals in …
Why are politicians and voters so ready to rumble?
Dear blog reader, This month we are joined by Professor Ramona Houmanfar, someone who has fully embraced multi-disciplinarity in her research career, including an important collaboration with the School of …
6 Dear blog reader, This month, we have a contribution from Professor Renato Bortoloti. We are delighted that Renato agreed to tell us a bit about his research story here, …
3 Dear blog reader, Our next contributor is one of a number of fantastic researchers in Brazil doing exciting and innovative work in symbolic language and thought. Specifically, Professor Ana …
Caro leitor do blog, Nossa próxima convidada é uma das várias pesquisadoras brasileiras fantásticas, que estão fazendo um trabalho fascinante e inovador em linguagem e comportamento simbólico. Especificamente, a Professora …
You won’t find this stuff in behavior analysis books and journals.
Prezado leitor do blog, Eu conheci o nosso próximo convidado, Dr. Ramon Marin, em 2019 quando eu vistei o laboratório do Prof. Julio de Rose na Universidade Federal de São …
3 Dear blog reader, I first met our next guest contributor, Dr. Ramon Marin, back in early 2019 when I visited Prof. Julio de Rose’s lab at the Federal University …