A Life of Contrasting Experiences
Dear blog reader, This month we are joined by Scott Graham, a doctoral candidate at Ulster University in Northern Ireland. From the first time I met Scott, what struck me …
Dear blog reader, This month we are joined by Scott Graham, a doctoral candidate at Ulster University in Northern Ireland. From the first time I met Scott, what struck me …
6 Guest Blog by: Jacob Sosine, RethinkFirst and Adrienne M. Jennings, Damean University Jacob Sosine is a data scientist at RethinkFirst and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. His work focuses …
Dear blog reader, This month we are joined by Professor Ramona Houmanfar, someone who has fully embraced multi-disciplinarity in her research career, including an important collaboration with the School of …
6 Introduction by Blog Coordinator Darnell Lattal, Ph.D. This blog demonstrates how we influence future scientists and practitioners beyond our boundaries, the intended purpose of the Behavior Analysis in Organizations …
A different take on “behavior analysis in the public eye.”
4 We don’t often discuss failure. We’re not supposed to fail, and we pretend that we don’t fail even when it may take multiple attempts to succeed at a task. …
Are there better ways to tell the world about behavior analysis?
6 Dear blog reader, This month, we have a contribution from Professor Renato Bortoloti. We are delighted that Renato agreed to tell us a bit about his research story here, …
Caro leitor do blog, Nossa próxima convidada é uma das várias pesquisadoras brasileiras fantásticas, que estão fazendo um trabalho fascinante e inovador em linguagem e comportamento simbólico. Especificamente, a Professora …
1 Blog escrito por invitada: Tracy Lepper, PhD, BCBA-D Traducción: Gabriela Aspilcueta Universidad Franciscana Misionera de Nuestra Señora (Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University) Muchos padres primerizos pueden haber experimentado …