Building Bridges with Behavior Analysis: The Power of Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Dissemination


Introduction by Blog Coordinator Darnell Lattal, Ph.D.

This blog demonstrates how we influence future scientists and practitioners beyond our boundaries, the intended purpose of the Behavior Analysis in Organizations blog series. For most of my life, I have worked in areas where individuals do not speak the language of a trained behavior analyst but have a problem that, if we combine our skill sets, can lead to rapid and valued change.  Luckily, I am on the Board of ABA Technologies and working closely with Danette Onstott. She and her husband, Jose Martinez-Diaz, Ph.D., BCBA-D, wanted to broaden the reach of this most amazing science to effect good outcomes across various areas of need. 

Danette, in particular, wanted to increase common understanding and good work by bringing diverse disciplines and subject areas across the university community in contact with students and faculty focused on behavior-analytic approaches. She knew that if they reached across their particular areas of science and application, they could enrich their understanding, find common ground, and achieve interesting outcomes while maintaining their unique perspectives. She knew she had not learned anything about this transformational science in her years of learning about what was called the hard sciences. Watching the phenomenal impact of this science on the lives of others, she had long wondered why various disciplines did not seek us out, and in turn, we seek them out. The following article documents one of the first steps in her efforts to initiate bridging projects, as we call them, inside universities.  We are delighted by what WVU has done, and we thank Claire St Peter for her commitment to shepherding this idea through the administrative components to get something of value up and running — with amazing connections — and more to come. 

Building Bridges with Behavior Analysis: The Power of Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Dissemination

Claire C. St. Peter, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Behavior analysis has robust methods for understanding and influencing human behavior. However, it is incumbent on behavior analysts to make connections between behavior principles and other domains or disciplines. In his 1987 reflection, “Why Are We Not Acting to Save The World, ” Skinner lamented that, at that time, we were not making these connections. In this paper, Skinner suggested that connecting the science of behavior to education, healthcare, and government would improve global outcomes. Yet, nearly 40 years later, we are still not seeking sufficient avenues to help save the world. 

Bridging Disciplines: A Model for Innovation

One way to connect the science of behavior to other disciplines is to incentivize those connections. West Virginia University (WVU) Psychology Department exemplified this approach through the Dr. Jose Martinez-Diaz Memorial Academic Bridging Fund, which supports innovative projects that merge behavior analysis with other fields. The Bridging Fund, funded by generous support from the Onstott family and the Board of Directors of ABA Technologies Inc., provides a springboard for interdisciplinary collaborations. The recent call for applications under the Bridging Fund led to the selection of two projects that illustrate the potential of multidisciplinary work. Both projects apply behavior analysis to areas traditionally outside the field, demonstrating behavioral science’s broad applicability and impact.

The projects connect behavior analysis to medicine and physical therapy. A project led by Dr. Brennan Armshaw focuses on improving recovery outcomes for patients who have undergone anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction by incorporating behaviorally informed biofeedback into the post-surgery rehabilitation process. The project involves a close collaboration between Dr. Armshaw, a behavior analyst, and Dr. Justin Payette from WVU’s School of Medicine. Drs. Armshaw and Payette plan to present the findings from their work at medical conferences rather than just behavior-analysis conferences and to publish in broadly accessible journals to the medical community.

Other projects aim to improve our understanding of private events while connecting behavior analysis to neuroscience. A project led by Dr. Ray Joslyn examines the impact of the Good Behavior Game (GBG) on reducing teacher stress. Working in collaboration with another behavior analyst (Dr. Katie Kestner) and a neuroscientist (Dr. Katie Morrison), the team will objectively quantify the stress-reducing effects of behavioral interventions like the GBG by measuring salivary cortisol levels, a biological correlate of stress. This research aims to improve teacher well-being and provide a model for how behavior analysis can contribute to understanding and mitigating stress in high-pressure environments. It may also motivate the widespread adoption of GBG in practice. 

Setting Up the Opportunity: A Collaborative Process

The success of these projects results from the researchers’ innovative ideas and the structure and support provided to them through the Dr. Jose Martinez-Diaz Memorial Academic Bridging Fund. Setting up opportunities like these requires careful planning and collaboration, starting with establishing partnerships to provide the necessary support and resources.

At WVU, the first step was to partner with the board of a behavior-analytic organization, ABA Technologies, which could provide financial backing for these bridging projects. This type of partnership is crucial, as it offers credibility and resources to attract high-quality proposals and foster successful collaborations. Although WVU partnered with a group committed to supporting behavior-analytic programs working with other disciplines, similar opportunities could be created in partnership with a wide range of organizations—academic, non-profit, governmental, or corporate—depending on the focus of the projects and the desired outcomes.

Once the partnership was established, WVU assembled an interdisciplinary review committee. The committee included a behavior analyst and individuals from clinical psychology, neuroscience, and human development. This interdisciplinary emphasis meant that applicants had to craft readable applications that were light on jargon and heavy on substance. The committee drafted and revised an application document and agreed on scoring criteria for various disciplines and projects (research, teaching, or service) to be considered. 

WVU then called for applications, inviting proposals that bridged behavior analysis with other disciplines. The interdisciplinary panel was established to ensure a fair and thorough review process. This panel, composed of experts from diverse fields, evaluated the proposals based on their significance, innovation, and potential for broad dissemination. The panel’s composition broadly reflected the kinds of bridges in the submissions. The interdisciplinary nature of the review panel was key to selecting projects that were not only strong in their behavior-analytic components but also meaningful in their contributions to other fields​​.

Finally, the chosen projects received the funding and support necessary for their work. This included not only financial resources but also encouragement to effectively disseminate their findings beyond the traditional behavior-analytic community. By setting up these opportunities in a structured and supportive way, WVU created a model that benefits the immediate projects and encourages future collaborations and dissemination efforts.

The Ripple Effect: Long-Term Impact and Sustainability

The significance of these projects extends beyond their immediate outcomes. Students involved in these projects gain valuable experience working across fields, giving them a model to carry forward into their careers. This kind of structured collaboration at the university level helps to instill the importance of interdisciplinary work, ensuring that the next generation of behavior analysts is equipped to engage with other fields in meaningful ways.

Moreover, the success of these projects increases the likelihood that participating collaborators from other disciplines will seek out behavior analysts for future endeavors. This creates a ripple effect, where initial collaborations lead to further interdisciplinary work, broadening the scope and impact of behavior analysis over time.

Disseminating the results of these projects to audiences beyond the behavior-analytic community is crucial. Each project includes detailed information about sharing findings with non-behavior-analytic audiences. This may connect professionals beyond just the individuals directly involved in the projects with the potential utility of partnerships with behavior analysts. 

Building a Collaborative Future

Collaboration and dissemination are not just beneficial—they are essential. As we continue to explore the intersections between behavior analysis and other disciplines, we open up new avenues for research, teaching, and service, ensuring that the principles of behavior are used to their full potential in solving the world’s most pressing challenges.

Guest Author: Claire St. Peter

Dr. Claire St. Peter is the Chairperson of the Department of Psychology and an Eberly Family Professor for Outstanding Public Service at West Virginia University. Dr. St. Peter’s research expertise lies in behavior analysis, with a significant focus on treatment integrity, differential reinforcement, and the resurgence of previously reinforced behaviors. She has secured over $2.3 million in grant funding throughout her career, supporting projects that bridge the gap between research and practice, particularly in the areas of behavior consultation, autism interventions, and alternative education programs. Her approach has been instrumental in advancing interdisciplinary research, leading to successful partnerships with local schools, healthcare providers, and other academic institutions. Dr. St. Peter’s commitment to both academic excellence and public service continues to drive her efforts to advance the field of behavior analysis and support the next generation of scholars and practitioners.


2 thoughts on “Building Bridges with Behavior Analysis: The Power of Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Dissemination

  1. Tom Critchfield

    Research shows that cooperation tends to occur mainly where contingencies favor it. This post highlights that it’s possible to create such contingencies. Simply saying that cooperation with other disciplines is a good thing will rarely be enough.

  2. Pingback: Teaching with Blogs: Making Behavior Analysis More Accessible to Students – BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS BLOGS

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