Co-authored by Dr. Melissa Swisher, Lecturer, Purdue University
Despite our best intentions, we sometimes allow our responsibilities to overwhelm us. Attending class, keeping up with assignments, and maintaining acceptable grades present challenges – even for instructors. The recent push to move all courses to an alternative delivery format (i.e., online) for an indefinite period of time creates an even more frantic and uncertain situation for students (and instructors). Given these considerations, are there strategies that we can use that would make the academic semester more manageable? We explore some tips both students and instructors might try to ensure a successful end to the current semester and that may be used in the coming semesters as instruction continues to be delivered in alternative formats.
Nadworny (2020, September 1) listed seven pieces of advice for students as to how to do well in college. The first tip is to take better notes. Many students feel compelled to write down every word their instructor says or writes. It can be difficult for students to record everything during synchronous courses (courses that meet in real time), whether they are held in-person or virtually, and it’s often unnecessary. Some faculty record audio and visual files for repeated access or for courses held in an asynchronous fashion (students can access the course content at their leisure or according to an instructor-determined time frame but do not require the students and instructors to come together at the same time). Nevertheless, regardless of the modality of instruction or the timing of the instruction, students do not need to write everything down word-for-word. Instead, students should make note of new terms, keywords, and phrases that help them to capture the gist of concepts in lessons. Jotting down just enough information can help students to ask more informed questions later or to look up related information to develop a more complete understanding of the concepts even after the lecture has occurred.
Course instructors can incorporate principles from Direct Instruction (see Stockard, Wood, Coughlin, & Rasplica Khoury, 2018 for a review and Engelmann & Carnine, 1982) in the classroom to teach students how to take notes (Davey & Bensky, 1989). This might entail modeling what students should write down using a sample passage from the lecture or a textbook and asking students to practice with guided notes or an outline. Next, the instructor can give students feedback regarding the accuracy or completeness of their notes and give instructions for how students can improve their note taking in the future. After some practice with feedback, students will learn to take better notes independently.
Instructors can also introduce response opportunities via choral responding (when students all respond simultaneously to a question) or supply students with guided notes (when students write missing information in their notes from the instructor’s completed notes). Response cards (pre-printed or blank cards upon which students write their answers and hold them up for the instructor to see) may also be useful in helping students to attend to critical concepts and information (see Twyman & Heward, 2018 for several low tech strategies instructors can use to engage their students). (Hint: You can use these techniques in online synchronous instruction, too. Features such as the yes/no or hand raising response on some online platforms can be used for simple questions, and students can create response cards or respond vocally for more complex questions.) With these strategies, instructors can assess student learning as it happens and clarify confusing points, and students can correct or add to their notes based on teacher feedback – learning better ways to take notes in the process.
How Instructors Can Help:
To help reduce student procrastination, course instructors can make quizzes available contingent upon completing practice questions (Perrin, Miller, Haberlin, Ivy, Meindl, & Neef, 2011). Students are also more likely to complete homework and to earn higher grades on quizzes when they receive points for completing homework instead of only receiving corrective feedback on quizzes (Ryan & Hemmes, 2005). More frequent quizzes over smaller chunks of material can also promote student success (e.g., Dalfen, Fienup, & Sturmey, 2018; Imam, 2014; Lȇ, 2012; Marcell, 2008; Orr & Foster, 2013). Setting up clear contingencies for completing work, when the work needs to be completed by, and what the expectations for students are is an easy strategy instructors can use to help students organize their schedules and make clear what should be set up in their planners. Time management is a skill that needs to be taught and learned just like new material specific to a course. Course instructors can also incorporate task analyses and activity schedules in their courses to help students (and the instructors themselves) to stay on track. Some students might be ready to develop their own self-management programs, set their own goals; and record, graph, and reinforce their own behavior (see Dean, Malott, & Fulton, 1983; Olympia, Sheridan, Jenson, & Andrews, 1994 for additional details). If a student isn’t accustomed to building time to study into their schedule, they can try (or be taught) to gradually increase study time from 5 to 10 to 15 minutes, for example, to longer periods of time (e.g., 1 hour each day) using a changing criterion design (see Hartman & Hall, 1976; Klein, Houlihan, Vincent, & Panahon, 2017; Wolfe, Heron, & Goddard, 2000 for examples) over a two week period. (Hint: The break between spring and summer semesters or spring and fall semesters could be a great time to try this out.)
Activity schedules, conversely, may be more helpful for day-to-day obligations (see Bryan & Gast, 2000; Krantz, MacDuff, & McClannahan, 1993; Massey & Wheeler, 2000; Rehfeldt, 2002 for examples) like logging into the learning management system for a class to check messages or announcements with pictures showing each step in order, rather than for tasks that need to be completed over longer periods of time. Adults tend to use planners and post-it notes instead of picture activity schedules, but the same principles apply. Activity schedules, in whatever modality, are especially useful for learning new chains of behavior.
How Instructors Can Help:
Instructors can create physical or electronic SAFMEDS cards for students (see Eshleman, 2000 and Behaviorbabe for tutorials) or give students those resources to create their own SAFMEDS cards. Cihon, Sturtz, and Eshleman (2012) showed that student-created SAFMEDS can be as effective for improving quiz scores as instructor-created SAFMEDS. Teachers can create courses with their flashcards on Quizlet, for example, and give students the link to the course. Anecdotally, students are more likely to use flashcards when the instructor creates them and makes those flashcards readily available. Instructors can also create time in class for students to practice with their SAFMEDS cards, graph their progress, and earn points for their attempts.
These three tips describe how students can help themselves and how course instructors can create additional learning opportunities and support their students in making the semester a success. The shift to online courses mid-semester has no doubt had other unintended consequences, but learning how to take notes, using a planner, and testing yourself can go a long way to put yourself and your grades into an advantageous position to finish out the semester.
Stay tuned for our next blog when we will discuss four more tips for students and instructors to try to survive and thrive in a changing academic environment.
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- Cover image provided courtesy of pxfuel under CC0 1.0
- Image provided courtesy of fauxels under Pexels License
- Image provided courtesy of Bich Tran under Pexels License
- Image provided courtesy of Ivan Samkov under Pexels License
- Image provided courtesy of Pixabay under Pexels License