Inspired by and co-authored with Williams Espericueta, a master’s student at the University of North Texas – Department of Behavior Analysis “If we judge a fish on its ability to …
Trabajando en una clínica de intervención conductual temprana e intensiva se puede ver el impacto que tiene el autismo en la vida del niño con el diagnóstico así como en …
The recent debut of the biography and documentary, Won’t You Be My Neighbor prompted journalist Anya Kamenetz to ask, “How the Science of Learning is Catching up to Mr. Rogers”. …
In 2016, over 64,000 overdose deaths occurred in the United States alone. A majority are from opioids, with 116 people in the US dying daily – enough for it to …
2 Summer 2018 has brought sweltering heat to much of the Northern Hemisphere, highlighting the growing concern that much of the scientific community has expressed regarding our shifting global …
Working at an early intensive behavioral intervention clinic, you see firsthand the impact autism has on the life of the diagnosed child and their whole family. Simple things like going …