Light It Up Blue

On April 2nd, #LightItUpBlue will be trending and many will wear blue to support people with autism, as we observe World Autism Awareness Day.

The United Nations General Assembly will focus on empowering girls and women with autism, who may be subject to multiple forms of discrimination and face greater challenges.

Until June 30th, Wiley is offering free access to the latest on autism research from around the world. Don’t miss this opportunity to catch up on the latest developments from various areas of research.

Autism Speaks is collecting stories and pictures to “help increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism.”

The Autism Society shares resources and ways to get involved during Autism Awareness month. From local events in your community to advocacy efforts, there is something for everyone.

The CDC has many useful resources on their website disseminating basic facts about autism, screening tools for caregivers of young children, and information about treatment options. Sharing information on social media is a simple and effective way to support #AutismAwarenessMonth and #LightItUpBlue.

What will you do to shine a light on autism?


Neuroscientists in China recently published a study in which they found altered brain connectivity of preschool-aged children with autism compared to typically developing children. These neurological differences may underlie behavioral characteristics of individuals with autism, such as decreased sensitivity to environmental cues, as well as social and language deficits.

In future posts, we’ll explore how the field of behavior analysis can contribute to our understanding of autism by incorporating findings from neuroscience and other fields.

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